What do I need when Things Go Bad!

There are many answers to that question and I will put links at the bottom for more information. Basically, you will need the essential of survival. Each are important. The hierarchy changes depending on the situation you are in. Today I will go over the Vehicle Go Bag. Later we will discuss Home Go Bag and Emergency Supplies for Home.*

The Vehicle Go Bag should be something that you have mainly for the primary driver of each vehicle or a bag you can take when going more than 10 miles from home (screech……did he just say 10 miles? That’s like 10 minutes away?) Yes, 10 miles, on foot, with who knows what is going on. The object of this bag is to give you the tools to treat yourself during a large emergency event and then get you back home. My family has one for each person and when going on long trips we throw them in the trunk along with our luggage.*



Level I Ten essentials: The minimum you should have on you especially when backpacking.

First aid kit: One of the most important parts of your kit. This is something you should have everywhere you go. Hint: Be sure to have extra Prescription Medications. Medications for allergic reactions, stomach problems and other issues.

Knife: A pocket knife AND/or a good camping knife. One large enough to cut wood and still easy to use.

Water: Bottled water and something to carry it in.

Food: Emergency rations and/or Backpacking food. (You will need to increase water for this.) If no other choice canned works but is HEAVY.

Rain Gear: Even if you are not in a wet area, rain gear is a must. Use this as an extra layer for warmth.

Sun Protection: Same as rain gear, have this even in not very sunny areas. Hats, long sleeves, sun block.

Flashlight: Solid, waterproof, with a carrier. Extra batteries to go with it.

Matches/Fire Starter: matches, lighter, magnesium etc. Have in a waterproof kit

Map and Compass: I know it's not something most of us use but when your phone stops running or can’t connect, then analog is best. Besides, conserve your phone for calls for help.



Level II Need to have: Not part of the 10 but what you need given that you are in a situation.  (Ten mile Rule. If you can not walk 10 miles with or without something, you need that. (Knee brace, comfortable underwear, shoe inserts.)

Trauma Kit: Different from a first aid kit. Meant to deal with blood loss and broken things. Minimum is gauze, tape and tourniquet.

Change of shoes: Nice pair of shoes you're wearing, Prada? Well, they are really nice but not hiking 10 miles a day nice. Have comfortable shoes or boots.(NOT NEW)

Change of clothes: First socks. Three pairs. One for day, one for night and one that you wear when you are washing the other. Underwear? Yes, especially in cold areas. Ten Mile Rule for summer or warm areas.

Mask: Not just that cute cloth one but a real N95 for dust and debris.

Water purifier: This will help refill your water bottles. Small travel straws are the best lightweight option.

Blanket/ Emergency shelter: Blanket that has a coating on one side that is water resistant. HINT: Be sure that you have one large enough to go around you and insulate you from the ground. Maybe a small extra one for the ground.

Gloves: Nice protective gloves. Leather, nylon. Doesn’t matter just good protection for your hands. Cuts are not just annoying, they can be dangerous.

Rope or Paracord: Never know how you might use this but when you need it, you need it.

Mulitplier/ Multitool :  Knife, screw drivers, wire cutters, file, etc. Be sure it has a can opener or can be used as one.

Phone Charger/ Brick: Fancy one is a solar one. Otherwise one to extend the life of your phone.

Hygiene: Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap bar, towel or moist towels.

Metal cup: To use when boiling your water or making your food.




OK, “Lets get weird and ready!”

Firearm: A whole other discussion. If you can LEGALLY, are trained and have the temperament, then don’t forget.

Cash: Yes. Locked in a box. Cash is king when Credit cards aren't working.

Phone book: For those not old enough. A book that has the numbers of those you want to connect to. Maybe even addresses so you can figure out how close they are to you. HINT: Put stars on your physical map showing friend and family that will be hospitable when the worse happens.

Hatchet/ Gurka/ Machete: Find which works for you. Nice for cutting wood, building a shelter or if firearms are not a viable option for you.

Flip phone: Charged phone that only works when activated. Uses much less battery, seems to connect easier, and holds up much better than your glass covered smartphone.

Battery or hand crank radio: Need to know what going one, this is the best way. Don’t think you are going to stream your local radio station. If you can find one that charges batteries or phones with the crank or a solar panel you are ahead of the game.

Toilet paper: Yes, you will thank me for this. Helps with starting a fire also. 

Duct tape: Just in case you need to build a plane or reenforce a bridge. (Yes, that’s a joke, but very useful.)

Foods: Add some hot chocolate, tea, candy etc. Not just because you can get needed calories and vitamins, but moral and comfort foods go hand and hand.

A Backpack that can fit all the gear and is comfortable to carry. Do not add any of the Level III stuff if your bag is already too heavy for you to carry 10 miles a day.


Part 2 coming soon.












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